Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nookachamps 1/2 marathon

The fog we have been experiencing all week didn't clear till after the race. Lots of people told stories of past years, the beauty of the area and the snow geese that can be seen all around. This year all that was visible were the muddy pastures and fields. There was really very little to look at.
Since the Seattle half I have gained some more strength and a bit of speed. For that run my pace averaged 10:45 minutes per mile (or something close to that). Yesterday I managed 9:40 min/mile average. And I survived.
My mother also ran the race, around mile 8 there is an out and back section where I discovered that I was only about a mile behind her. This was a surprise to me, then again I was pretty surprised to see that I was keeping my pace under 10m/m. The last three miles of the course were very difficult, not really sure why. There was a bit of an incline and nothing to look at to help your mind escape. I had to keep pushing myself to keep up my pace. Blah blah blah
moral of the story, did well, recovered faster than the first time
rough week, don't want to deal with this posting

1 comment:

Gary Robbins said...

Congrats on another race, and some serious improvement in your running time!
I was skate skiing with Joanna Gunn last weekend and she was wondering if you ever got the package she sent you?
Getting excited about yer trip to S.A. yet...I know it's a long ways out, but super exciting event to partake in!