Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On waking up early

3:30 in the morning and the only thought in my mind is how good it feels to lay in bed. Then I begin to wonder how long I can enjoy this before my alarm goes off, which leads to the thought "the earlier I wake up, the longer I can run" and I am up. I pause on the way out the door for coffee and a piece of toast.
As it turns out, my body didn't want to run, but my mind did. This is a curious reversal of the many times have our bodies wanted things our mind refuses. Fortunately my mind won. I managed 6 miles before the snow started...Yea snowing again. It has been coming down all day but is only now starting to stick. I was going to give a presentation at a local weight loss group, but too many people have canceled because of the weather, so we will try again next week. I really enjoy public speaking, apparently it is more feared than death by most people. How bizarre
The moral of the story: you need to keep your job and sleep...and run.
I have this coming weekend off, planning to run till i drop...WISH ME LUCK!

1 comment:

bookofsecret7 said...

lol, i dont think you will ever catch me running early in the monrning, the military ruined that for i ran for the first time today and damn it felt good, it amazing how much happier one can be when running. well just make that if you run till you drop you can still get