Friday, February 27, 2009

Slacking off

I really haven't been running or writing much lately. I feel bad about both of those, but today is another day. I had a ridiculously busy week last week and decided against busing out to the SRC (Seattle running company) to have them take a look at my feet and the possible need for inserts. After a long day at work I decided I would rather relax with a glass of wine, then try to get some errands done. And relax I did. It took two glasses of wine (I am a lightweight, I know) but I finally got two things crossed off my 'to-do' list...Taxes and a haircut. I was long over due for both of these items. I hate HATE doing my taxes...I don't even do them, I just take the papers in and have someone else do them, and still I HATE them.
The hair cut is the big news...I chopped it all off!!! I have long been wanting to do something different with my hair, it has been long and dull for years.

Sunday morning I decided to try out my new haircut on a long run. It was a beautiful day for it, warm and overcast. I set out for Lincoln Park and ran around in there for about 5 miles. They have been cleaning the park up for spring so it is lovely and the trails are well maintained. I then set off to follow the water around to Alki, the sun started peaking out, making it a lovely day to be on the beach looking across at Seattle. At the farthest point from home my knee and hip pain started up. The pain is on the side of the knee and feels like it is right in the ball and socket of the hip. Being a mature adult, I decide to just keep running. Naturally the pain got worse, by the time I was nearly home I could hardly keep running. I was going out of my way to avoid stopping at intersections, knowing that I might not be able to start running again if i stopped. Half a mile from home, at the bottom of the big hill, I had to stop for a long traffic light and found that there was really no way to keep running. I was a bit bothered by that, I was really hoping to make 15 miles that morning (if you count the walking, I did 15.5 but it is just not the same).
I was going to a local restaurant for lunch to watch a former Curves member play harp for the brunch crowd so I had to keep moving as soon as I got home. Typically I would sit in the tub until I am all pruney, but I knew there would be no getting up again today, so I ran through the shower, styled my fancy new hair and was out the door in record time.
While watching the performance my knee completely froze up on me. I couldn't move the leg at all without incredible pain. Fortunately I carry an arsenal of pills with me to combat migraines of any degree, so I popped a few Excedrin with my tofu scramble and sat patiently, trying not to worry about the condition my knee was in. I learned that this high end restaurant is not the place to go for a post-run meal. The food was fabulous, and well presented, but the portion size was not designed for runners. There was no giant tray of bread or chips and salsa before the meal either, and I thought about ordering seconds...but no one likes to see a skinny girl pig out, it just makes them feel bad. So I nibbled slowly at my meal, fighting the urge to take food from other peoples plates.
Monday morning I limped down the very steep hill to get to the bus stop, eagerly awaiting the day (not too far off now) that I will be moving into an apartment that is located on flat ground. I will still have access to all the hills I love to run, but I won't have to deal with them after a run, when I just need to get to the store or get to work, and can't handle the pressure on my joints.
After a day on my feet, my knee was starting to feel better and the pain was predominantly from my quads, but it is OK when they hurt, their pain is the hard earned ache from a tough workout. It is respectable pain, if you will. But regardless of the nature of the pain, I was still walking funny on my way home.
Definitely need to get to the SRC...


Aaron said...


It sounds like your IT band has flared up. Not sure if you have been doing stretches or exercises for this but there are lots to be found on the internet and I'm sure folks at SRC could set up with some too.

mo said...

Thanks Aaron!
I looked up some info on the IT band and that sounds like the problem area. I appreciate the input, I will add some more stretches to my routine!