Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The problem is identified

As it turns out my hips are twisted, creating a number of problems. The twist leaves one leg somewhat shorter than the other, and that is bad. Also, the twist causes tendons etc to move and stretch in unnatural ways when I move, this too is bad. My chiropractor is optimistic that all of this can be resolved. Additionally, she believes she can resolve the issues in other parts of my back that create pain, tension and numbness (she thinks the migraines can be resolved too)...it sounds too good to be true, I will be satisfied when I can run again.
I have been making some unwise food choices since I stopped running. While listening to a lecture on emotional eating the other day I realised that when I can't use running as stress relief I tend to frequent the candy aisle. Becoming aware of this has been helpful, but I just want to run!!!!

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