Friday, November 20, 2009


I find my mind is ready to get back to my regular running schedule, but my body isn't up for it. I know I could push my body and try for some longer distances but I feel fine just logging 4-6 miles every other day right now. I am able to do my usual gym workout (skipping the squats) without unusual fatigue. I have a really tight left quad right now, so I am hoping that a bit of rest and massage will have me ready to run the Seattle Marathon on the 29th.

In case I don't talk at y'all before then, Happy Thanksgiving!

That reminds me, I just found out I have a gluten allergy. I don't eat too many gluten products, I do however eat them daily. This will be an exciting new adventure learning how to cook without my precious gluten. My primary concern is how to eat when travelling. Trying to eat healthy, vegan, and now gluten free foods while at restaurants might be a challenge. Bring it on!


garobbins said...

Mo, CONGRATS on your first 50k!
Your Peru pics are AMAZING!
AND, welcome to the GF Club...I knew you couldn't resist!!


mo said...

You just make it look so fun!