Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A grand idea

Although I was convinced it was a bad idea, I decided to run to work today. I regularly run to the gym in West Seattle because it is a nice neighborhood and only 2.5 miles from home. Last night I decided it might be fun to run to the gym in White Center, a less friendly neighborhood (by West Seattle standards) and 5 miles from home with countless big hills (actually 3 hills that are nothing compared to Dravis). This idea arose from my desire to eat 2 giant dinners on top of a huge lunch without losing sight of my six-pack abs...HAHHAHAHAHA...ahhhhh a girl can dream.

As I climbed my first hill I knew this run was a great idea. I spent the run on my usual train of thought, trying to convert miles to kilometers, for the life of me I can't figure it out (a hand please, anyone?) I can get km to miles and kg to pounds and back again, but I can't convert miles to km...after I graduate from this challenge I plan to try to convert my pace to min per km. Whatever it takes to keep me moving...

I had, and still have, plenty of energy. In fact when I got to work I did a victory dance in the still empty parking lot (I count style points even when there are no witnesses). As the first crowd came into the gym it occured to me that I could probably ride the endorphin wave long enough to get me through a modest workout... and it did. Great start to the day!

Please remember to strength train 3 times a week,


Aaron said...

Sorry about the gender error on Gary's blog. This is a pretty funny blog to date. Enjoy all the running and good luck at the 1/2

mo said...

Thanks aaron,
I appreciate the support!