Saturday, November 29, 2008


The race is tomorrow, and i definitely feel a bit of anxiety. I experienced all the aspects of prerace jitters they warn about (I turned to Runner's World knowing they would have answers). Most of my anxiety dealt with feeling unprepared. In Runner's World they warn about the desire to cram during the last weeks before the race. In college if I felt unprepared before a test I used this method, and I felt the desire to do some longer runs recently. Instead I ran to work, loving every hill, trying to maintain an average 10min/mile (watch out world records!) and I was able to do this. I know I can run longer distances, and I know I can run hills...I have only been running for two and a half months, I think the prerace jitters are ok...I think I would feel more concerned if I wasn't so excited.
I am cooking a prerace lasagna feed for friends and family tonight. I plan to make three vegan lasagnas (I am not sure if everyone knows they are going veggie for the night), and I am making a few loaves of bread, one garlic and two plain (how could I forget to buy flour?), and a big salad...mmmm...I love cooking for people
After the race my mother is hosting a get together at Zeeks Pizza 419 Denny way around 1:15 (my mother is very precise in her approximations). We are celebrating her boyfriends 200th marathon! I post this info because I am optimistic that one day I will meet someone who says to me "I have been following your progress and looking forward to meeting you" The second part is optional, it could be replaced with "and I was looking for a reccomendation where to eat eat pizza after the race" or, and this is the one that moves me to tears "and I have been dying to try your vegan lasagna"


Gary Robbins said...

Mo, "I'd love to try your vegan lasagna one day"!
Now tell us a race story??
Hope the package I sent arrives soon, sorry it did not make it in time for the race!

mo said...

I'll work on gluten free lasagna!