Monday, December 1, 2008

I did it

It has taken me a few days to put this together, I had no idea I would be so drained after the half marathon.
I made both of my goals! I was able to run the whole way and I did it in 2hrs 19mins...Now I work on running twice the distance adding only one more hour to my time.
I arrived at memorial stadium around 7am, I quickly lost the people I had carpooled with while I was checking my post race clothing bag. I wandered toward an impressive lineup of porta-potties and was disappointed to see never ending lines sprouting from each one. I tried waiting in line but after 10 minutes of standing still I gave up and wandered toward the start line. People were pressed together, trying to move toward the start line, but unable to make any progress. there were rumors that the walkers hadn't started yet and that was why we couldn't line up yet. Too much drama for a first timer with a full bladder. Finally we hopped the fence and lined up.
We were off...2.5 minutes later I was able to cross the start line at a trot. I took it really slow for a few miles (some might argue that I ran slow for the whole race). I made it through the first 6.5 miles driven by the need to find a porta-pottie without a long line ( I did, right at the bottom of the hill, made it much easier to get through the rest of the race).

A quick question about race etiquette: Is it appropriate to complement the men on their lovely bodies as they run past? Unfortunately this temptation had passed by mile 4, not because of any self control on my part, turns out those babes are much faster than me. They are my motivation to start speed work.

After mile 9 I started getting tired, I focused on staying ahead of the 2:20 pacer, and managed to do so. Right at mile 11 I lost all interest in this point in the run I was covered in sweat, Gatorade, and GU...I persevered and a quarter of a mile later the desire to run naked passed. My mental capacities had deteriorated significantly so to keep myself moving I chanted the time left until I finished (assuming I would cross right at 2:20), "20 minutes cha cha cha..."(and so on, this actually started at 50 minutes left, but didn't become the sole thought till 20 minutes).

It was a remarkably foggy morning in Seattle, when the race started only the legs of the space needle were visible (up to about knee height...not the best analogy, sorry). I was disappointed to see that this condition had not resolved itself before my finish. I knew the finish line was close, but without the needle to guide me I had no idea how close I was.
Finally the crowd could be heard shouting, "One more turn, then you are there!" So I plastered a smile on my face and took off. I was surprised how many people I passed in the last few hundred feet, everything hurts, but it no longer matters. Finish hard, this is where the cameras are, this is where the crowd is. (Watching my mom finish the full marathon I was pleased to see that she has the same strategy. Just a supermodel out for a sprint...)
My father and his wife met me at the end of my race and we went to the sunlight cafe for a lovely vegan breakfast. I got back to the finish in time to watch my gorgeous mother cross, then joined her and her fellow Marathon Maniacs for pizza. (if you want to check her out, she is number 12 in the insane asylum
I hurt all day, my knees and hips were in incredible pain. I took the day off work Monday ( i never would have made it down the hill) and just rested and ate. I've been kinda bummed out since the runners high died off...hoping that will pass soon.

I wonder what challenge is next...


Red Bird said...

I am working toward my first half marathon ( next summer )

mo said...

Thank you! and good luck!

Gary Robbins said...

A) Huge Congrats!
B) Running naked will help you meet many, many more 'running babes'
C) It's always tough to come down from the post race high...just forces most of us into setting another race goal right away! Take some time off, and revel in your accomplishment Mo!


Anonymous said...

Good job Mo! Congratulations!