Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I conquered a fear

I ran with the Seattle running club...I have long wanted to run with them, well since I first bought shoes from them, but have been too nervous to do so. This has been a big week for me (more on that later) so I decided to add this to the list of accomplishments. I haven't been sleeping well, so I had to run to work to avoid being terribly grumpy, and it certainly helped, I also worked out when I got there. All this would add to my concern later that I was too tired to join them. I could hardly eat all day thinking about running with them. I was nauseous the whole ride to the city, got to the SRC early and found another first timer waiting, along with the guy that sold me my first pair of shoes (both babes). I felt a little better. As the crowd gathered, the only other person who I recognized was the guy that sold me my trail shoes (this was turning out to be a rather lovely crowd...if you are ever in need of some eye candy hit up the SRC runs). As soon as we set out, the crowd pulled away from me. I don't know the course and I don't know the neighborhood. I tried to stay calm, someone would come run with me.
This is where the fears come in, as a child I remember being taught to ride a bike. I was never comfortable on a bike, I was always riding faster than I could, trying not to lose the others. Every time, while chasing after them in a cold fear, I would lose control and crash with no one around to help me. I tried ridding a few times in college and the results were always the same. Incidentally this is why I adamantly refuse to ride a bike or ski (yep, same thing happened on the slopes).
I caught up to the crowd while they were waiting for traffic to slow, the dude that sold me my trail shoes joined me after that and later the other first timer ran with us. I felt much better from then on out. The course borrowed some sections from the Marathon course, running through every park (and steep hill) they could manage on this 5.5 mile course. It was a tough course, but lovely...more importantly I DID IT!!!! I didn't chicken out!

Another big event this week: I invited a friend to read this blog...I haven't given out the address to anyone until now. The dude I chose to invite is someone I don't see often and we don't have many friends in common...Fellow bloggers, how do you decide to tell people about your site? My mind is not always a wonderful place to be, I can't imagine too many people wanting a peak...we shall see how this goes...

The biggest event for the week: I took off my ring!!!! My ex and I broke up in April. I think this is the reason I am not sleeping well. I catch myself throughout the day feeling the spot where it was and worrying. I hope to feel free by the time the callus leaves.

1 comment:

Gary Robbins said...

Hey Mo, first and foremost, thanks for the thank you card! Been meaning to drop you a line for awhile now!
As far as giving out the address goes, I remember thinking the same thing a few years back when I first started blogging, then I ran into some people on a trail one day who I hardly knew, and they knew all about me, my race schedule, my race goals, etc.

I actually felt kinda violated for a bit, but by the end of my run had come to terms with the fact that this is how it is, I was putting myself out there for anyone and everyone to see...since that's really what blogging is all about! I kinda had thoughts that only family and a few friends were reading it up until that point in time...I guess what I'm getting at is that people will find you blog regardless. It's kinda amazing how the whole 'blogging world' has come about.
In the end I simply ended up putting a link to my blog as my tagline on my e-mail, and also a link through my FB account. That way people know it's there and can check it out if they wish.
None the less, you'll be surprised as time passes how seemingly random people come to find you on here!
Congrats on the rest as well, Happy Holidays...oh yeah, that card was only funny cause it was so lame! Like ya said though, not much out there for that!