Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I jingled all the way

Sunday morning (yea i realize I am a little late with this post) I woke up to snow...very exciting. Snow is a rare occurrence in West Seattle, it usually turns to rain and washes away children's dreams of school getting canceled. This time the snow stayed. I bundled up and headed to the bus stop a few minutes early, and low and behold, our rugged driver showed up only a few minutes late and made it to Seattle in record time. Seattle had no snow, probably safer for the thousands of runners (I am not really sure how many people turned out, but there were enough people to create a nice warm crowd).
My outfit was plenty warm for running, red and green tights, my new trail shoes (If you can believe it, I did not choose them for the color), smart wool shirt, I am wrapped in Christmas lights which looked great in the tunnels, and finally that outstanding skirt... A Joyce Maund creation. Joyce is a coworker of mine and an avid knitter, she typically knits smaller skirts for teddy bears, but was thrilled at the opportunity of making a big skirt for me. She really went all out with bells and sequins, I received lots of comments from fellow runners. The women at the gym have requested that I wear this skirt every day in December...I am happy to oblige (it keeps my bum warm).
The run was very slow, so many people in cumbersome costumes, but it was really fun. In all the tunnels people sang jingle bells, and as I mentioned earlier, my Christmas lights were in full glory (making little kids jealous, HAHAHAHA).

Monday morning the snow was still around. I was supposed to be sleeping in all week, but the snow had turned into ice on the roads and little had been done to make them drivable. The main roads were OK, but most of this area is hills and side roads. I was called in to open one of the gyms because of my amazing ability to walk/run places. I bundled up and made the 3.7 snowy mile run to work, it was 23 degrees (Fahrenheit you silly Canadians) with the wind bringing it to a frigid 17. I later discovered that one of my coworkers lives less than a mile from that gym, but I appreciated that chance to run in such cold. I think we can all guess what happened, no one showed up at the gym at 6:30, but we were open.

The snow is still out there (Wednesday) with promise of more snow to come. I have hit a bit of a plateau in my running and this cold weather is not helping me out of it. I have decided not to stress it, I will just do what I can, even if it is just a mile or two a day and trust that this will pass.

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