Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Learning is fun

Sometimes not so fun, but still important.
I ran to work this morning after an unusually small breakfast ~150 calories (versus my usual 450 cal meal). I didn't think it would be a problem, I would eat when I got to work. Then while running I decided to see if I could beat my time, I was coming close, but with a mile left i just felt drained. I kept pushing and held it around 9.5's but it wasn't enough to make my goal. I really felt great when I finished the final sprint up a slight incline, did my victory dance for the empty parking lot, then chowed down on a bag of sport beans while I toasted a bagel.
Moral of the story, always gotta be watching them calories. Btw I gave up on the 2000 calorie diet. My weight dropped too fast and my energy went with it. The extra weight can take its time coming off, its good training to carry around and extra pound or two.
Speaking of carrying things, I am using a hydration pack from Nathan it carries everything I want for a day at work. Extra clothes, lots of food, music, water, wallet and sundry knick knacks that I like to have on hand. I was thrilled to find a pack that distributes the weight so well. Even with a few potatoes, a glass tuperware stuffed with food, and water, it is still comfortable.

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