Sunday, January 4, 2009

they closed everything

Ahhhh Sunday...this was always a difficult day for me to get the hang of. When I lived in MA it was the day when we had all the free time in the world, but the liquor store was closed. In Europe this was a day when everything was closed. In West Seattle it is a day when Camp Long is closed (they are also closed Monday) (Sunday didn't mean a thing in Northern California, our entertainment grew on trees and no one new one day from another). Forgetting, as I am so inclined to do, that Sunday changes everything, I head out to camp long for a bit of a run. I have my new Blackberry Storm loaded with music and my new Garmin GPS watch telling me to keep moving (thanks SantaMom!) The park is closed. I overcome my initial disappointment and decide to wander the neighborhoods on my way down to Lincoln Park. There are some very lovely places in West Seattle, and this is my favorite weather, cool and cloudy with NO RAIN!!!

Lincoln Park has two distinct areas, a flat, paved portion along the beach, and the park. I popped out of a neighborhood and found myself at the beach. I picked up my pace a bit while running the beach, I held 9 minute miles then dropped it to 8 and a half, an older gentleman running by actually complemented my pace...ANOTHER FIRST!!!!!
All the bathrooms were closed...I had to pee since the first half mile (I always do), I tried to think about other things, around mile 6 I was happy with my distance and decided to go home. I found a hill I had never seen before (funny the things you find when you start looking), it looked steeper than the hill I live on, so I went for it. It was steeper, but shorter, than my hill...I could have hiked it faster than I ran it, but run I did. There was a very tiny park at the top, little more than a grassy spot to look out at the mountains. There was a bridge and a bunch of stairs, so I ran them too. My followers know how I hate to run stairs, but I could see no alternative. I wandered through the neighborhoods at the top of the hill and found myself at the base of the hill I live on...A dream come true, keep running up hills only to find myself at the base of another hill (I am slow, but I am determined, the hills make me feel tough).
I ran across one gym member out on my run...always nice to see them getting exercise outside the gym.
And now I eat.

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