Sunday, February 1, 2009

I finally made it over the half marathon hump

I ran 13.27 miles this morning. I took it slow, thinking it would hurt less. I think that was a mistake. I would have preferred to get it over with a bit faster. I left the house at 5am, thinking the sun would rise any minute. I really wanted to be down on the beach for sunrise, I was way off. The sun never rose and the dark didn’t let up till mile ten, but I was on the beach (most of the run was along the water). I nearly gave up with a km to go but it hurt more to walk, so I just kept running and in the end was glad to have made that choice.
After the run I prepared my post race protein drink (rice milk, hemp protein and a banana…not as delicious as it sounds), then decided to reheat some leftovers (I really should have eaten more before I ran), and then decided I should add salsa and chips to the leftovers in honor of the Super Bowl. I decided against the chips, but smothered my mashed potatoes, veggies and tofu in salsa, grabbed the protein drink and headed to the tub. I am frequently very cold after running so I like to drink my shake in the tub (the tub was the reason I decided not to eat my leftovers with chips…it just seemed too complicated, messy). I added some Tums to the mix when I realized what I had just unleashed on my belly.
I am going to try to do a 15 miler by next weekend


Gary Robbins said...

Way to go Mo! You're well on yer way to knocking down yer first Ultra run!

mo said...

Thank you so much for your constant support. It really means so much to me. I am looking forward to eating your dust on the trails some day (though I imagine the dust will have settled by the time I am through).