Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Darn these sexy hips...

Sad news all...
It has been recomended that I take a bit of a break from running to allow my IT band a chance at recuperation. I am doing some stretches I found online and I welcome any suggestions any of you have.



bookofsecret7 said...

that sucks!!! I hope ya get better!!!! Can you still walk/hike?

Anonymous said...

Mo. I hope you recover fast I think you will enjoy and benefit from taking this time off. your body will heal and recover properly, and you will stay injury free thru the spring and summer. Enjoy this time off for yourself.

Gary Robbins said...

Hey Mo, that does suck, but it's all in how you look at it right now. You can be just as effective with cross training, so look at a good gym program (since you work at a gym, I'm sure you already do regular workouts, just make sure they are running specific), maybe get onto the bike, and even swimming. As long as you keep moving you'll get past this quicker and be just as strong on the other end!