Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back again!

Last week I managed to run to and from work, unfortunately the glory of that accomplishment was overshadowed by the screaming of my IT Band. The first half was fine (yea, only 2 miles...this is a humbling experience) I think I should have stretched more at work because the return trip was bad. I took two days off from running and tried a 30 min jog on Sunday morning. That felt great! I found an incredibly steep hill a few blocks from my new apartment that drops me onto Beach Drive, part of my old sunrise half marathon course. I was thrilled to discover that I could jog up the hill with no bad pain! Monday I ran to work, I have to play with my stride and speed a bit to keep the hips feeling good enough, all in all success! I learned from previous mistakes and stretched throughout the day and felt great on the return trip home. Even took a little detour through my new neighborhood and found another real steep hill (I do love the hills). My goal for the week is to run to and from work every day.
I would like to try a new chiropractor. I really want someone who spends more time working my body instead of just cracking a few spots at handing me a bill. I have been hearing good things about running specific chiropractors, and one in particular who recently joined with the Seattle Running Company...I'll let y'all know what I think.
It is good to be back.

1 comment:

Gary Robbins said...

Good to have you back...again! I think we need to get you out on the trails more often...easier on the body too:)