Thursday, June 11, 2009

Some days I really don't feel like doing anything. Most days I leave the house by 5:30am. Those days are easy, I don't feel or think anything, I just get dressed and start running. Today I had the whole morning free...I wanted to run at least 6 miles, but I kept finding distractions to keep me from leaving the house. I finally got myself dressed to run, but decided that since breakfast was a bit ago I should eat again. I chose coconut sorbet with dark chocolate crumbled on it...Then I had to run.
On Monday and Tuesday I ran 9.7 and 9.5 miles respectively, but not all at once. I wasn't sure if breaking the runs into convenient chunks would still help increase my endurance. By Tuesday afternoon I was so exhausted and it was so hot out that I really felt like this should count towards more than a 5 mile run. So this mornings run was supposed to be a test. The longest continuous run I have done recently was 6 miles so I wanted to see if that same distance felt easier this time, and if i could comfortably go farther.
Skipping right to the exciting news, yes, 6 miles was easier, I didn't want to stop running, but I had to get ready for work and I was starting to get hungry. I managed to make it to 7.78 miles before I had to call it quits!

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