Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Time is sneaky

I realized yesterday that I am leaving for Peru in two months! Time to step up the training. I am feeling pretty good, less pain every day! I have been running regularly, though not as much as I could. If I want to keep up on the runs in Peru I really need to build up more endurance. To that end I am trying to run everywhere. Yea, I am that sweaty chick in the grocery store, book store, doctors office, etc... My chiropractor has given me a foam roller to help me work out some of the injured areas. I am also looking for a massage therapist in the area to help keep me moving. Lets hope for the best!

1 comment:

Gary Robbins said...

WOW, two months and counting, it'll be here before you know it!! EXCITING for sure, and a great excuse to be 'that sweaty girl' lol!