Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 weeks

I woke up snuggling with my alarm clock, hoping the beeping sound was a dream...it wasn't. I frantically tried to find ways to avoid getting out of bed this morning. I could skip my run and take the bus, "not bloody likely!" and next thing I know I am brewing extra strong coffee. I added my new favorite hill to my morning commute (only added a mile in distance!) and felt great. My previous commute was getting a bit dull, and it didn't work up much of a sweat (you might disagree to look at me, but I wanted more). The new hill finishes off with 80 stairs, I was pouring sweat when I finished them. The run felt great, but I was disappointed to find that I was still sleepy after it. Remarkable how much the body can do while the brain is sleeping.

I made the mistake of looking at a calender...18 days till I leave for Peru. The link again Here Check out the altitude profile. Ouch!

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