Monday, January 26, 2009


I survived another cycle. Truly an accomplishment. Managed to run to work and workout this morning, haven't done either of those for too long. A car pulling out of its driveway threatened to hit me this morning, and I was pleased that it didn't. What a difference hormonal balance can make. Two days ago I was thinking of jumping in traffic.
Glad to be running again. I ate a lot of junk food this weekend. I could really feel it on the run, thought I might "toss my cookies" as they say (technicolor yawn is another euphemism I am fond of).
It is good to see that even when I feel as though I could quit, I don't. I took the time I needed, I focused on my work ( I am back to teaching weight management classes on top my regular management duties at the gym) and I got back to running as soon as I could possibly make myself. And I feel good again.
And that is good, because I need to start working toward my first ultra!


bookofsecret7 said...

i woman with hormonal inbalances is not a pretty So your training for a better be working hard cause the second i am healed i will be trying to blow past

a.k.a abercrombie boy

garobbins said...

YOU SAID IT, you used the word ULTRA!! Nice work Mo, aim know the rest.