Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ultras are sexy

It is good to run. Two days a week I don't have to be to the gym until 11 am. I love these days cause I can get so much done in the morning, although I frequently just sleep late. Today I reluctantly got out of bed at 6am, drank coffee, ate a piece of toast (very whole grain with peanut butter, black strap molasses and cinnamon on it) then went running. This seemed to be the perfect day to try out camp long, it is neither Monday nor Sunday, and the sun was rising (One can only assume the sun has risen in Seattle) the dark was lessening. I was very excited to find out how many miles I could manage in the park without doing straight laps. But today was not my day...they got me again...10 am it opens. I am sure I remember learning this already.

Fortunately there are other areas of West Seattle that I have wanted to explore. So I set out for one of those.

I know I have said it before but I love gray mornings. They create a beautiful backdrop to our lush greens that Seattle is known for (the rain isn't all bad) and the eclectic collection of houses we have in West Seattle. There are some very modern houses that have lots of strong lines and metal accents, a few Spanish style houses, a good deal of gorgeous brick houses, too many gigantic homes, and more and more condos all mixed together with classic craftsman homes. Naturally the gardens are as diverse as the homes, supplying no shortage of distractions when I need.
Today's run took me to a street not far from mine, I have long been intrigued by this area because the street is cut very deeply into the side of the hill. At the top of the hill the houses are large and beautiful, at the bottom, they are very basic and covered in moss (no sunshine in the hole). From there I ran to another fantastic find, a scenic outlook (surrounded by hills) that leads down to Lincoln park. I did a few miles in the park, including my speed work along the water (I got to 7:30 but couldn't keep it for more than 1/4 mile). I started my run with distance as the goal, but as is frequently the case I changed my focus to hills after mile 3...I do love hills. So I reversed my course to get home, and I am thrilled to say, I had to walk a few steps on my new found hill. It is long and steep.
I managed 6.7 miles, then walked 2.5 miles to work. The walk hurt. But I need the miles. I really want to get over the 13.1 mile hump.

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